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Listen hear: The right to be heard

The report of the 2000 Commission on Poverty, Participation and Power, which was set up to explore how people with experiences of poverty could be involved in the policy making that affects their lives.

Written by:
Commission on Poverty, Participation and Power
Date published:

Listen Hear reveals the stark divide between policy makers and the people they claim to represent. It highlights the radical changes needed to make sure that participation does not just echo back the voices of those in power. And it argues that without these changes, policies to tackle poverty and revitalise democracy will not succeed.

Listen Hear is important reading for all those involved in anti-poverty and regeneration work, including community groups, voluntary organisations, local authorities, the devolved administrations, public authorities and central government – and of course, above all, people experiencing poverty themselves.

A related publication, Evaluation of the Commission on Poverty, Participation and Power by Sarah del Tufo and Lucy Gaster, is also available.


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