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Guidance on standards for the establishment and operation of drug consumption rooms in the UK

This report provides essential guidance for local multi-agency partnerships that are contemplating establishing and operating a drug consumption room (DCR) in the UK.

Written by:
Neil Hunt
Date published:

A number of local partnerships across England, Wales and Scotland are currently discussing whether or how DCRs might help address their local drug problems. At present there are no DCRs in the UK, however, evidence elsewhere suggests that they can be valuable for engaging marginalised drug users, reducing overdose deaths and can have a beneficial impact on community safety in areas where public drug use is widespread.

This guidance:

  • helps meet a need to define minimum operational standards, identified within the original Report of the Independent Working Group on Drug Consumption Rooms (JRF 2006);
  • addresses international and domestic legal issues, including duty of care;
  • examines the commissioning process, operational policies and procedures and monitoring and evaluation.
