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Benchmarking community participation: Developing and implementing the Active Partners benchmarks

The story of a benchmarking framework designed to assist the planning, support, assessment and evaluation of community participation in regeneration.

Written by:
Mandy Wilson and Pete Wilde
Date published:

Despite an increasing emphasis on community involvement, there is evidence that communities themselves believe that this is only ‘lip service’, with real influence and control remaining in the hands of more powerful stakeholders. This report traces the story of a benchmarking framework – Active Partners – designed to assist the planning, support, assessment and evaluation of community participation in regeneration.

Regeneration partnerships can use this framework - based on influence, inclusiveness, communication and capacity - to develop an understanding of community participation. Active Partners has been used by a wide range of regeneration initiatives within the Yorkshire and Humberside region and beyond.

Benchmarking community participation covers the process from initial concept, through development and road-testing in Yorkshire and Humberside, to a strategy for future implementation. It also includes examples of some of the outcomes and lessons that have resulted from using the benchmarks.


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