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Race and ethnicity

Black youth on the margins: A research review

This study provides a review of the emerging themes from the extensive literature into the disadvantage and discrimination experienced by Black youth in Britain.

Written by:
Ravinder Barn
Date published:

The review places a particular focus upon:

  • Homelessness
  • Under-achievement at school
  • School exclusions
  • Juvenile justice
  • ‘Looked after’ young people
  • Substance misuse
  • Racial abuse and racial bullying
  • Racial and cultural identity
  • Mental health difficulties

Research evidence suggests that unless areas of risk and vulnerability are seriously addressed at policy and practice level, minority ethnic young people at the margins of society will become increasingly disaffected and alienated.

This report aims to provide the basis for a more co-ordinated understanding in the development of policy, practice and provision.


1842631438.pdf (222.01 KB)
Group of volunteers standing in a school garden.

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