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What is needed to end child poverty in Wales?

This study discusses progress made in Wales to end child poverty, and suggests what the Welsh Assembly Government could do to reach the 2020 target.

Written by:
Victoria Winckler
Date published:

Previous JRF studies argued that radical changes to UK Government policy are needed to end child poverty by 2020. The new child poverty strategy is an opportunity to include some of the recommendations in areas devolved wholly or partially to Wales. The Welsh Assembly Government should consider measures needed to radically change employment, childcare, skills and the taxation and:

  • increase help for parents to find employment;
  • dramatically improve childcare provision;
  • promote flexible and good quality employment;
  • encourage public and voluntary sector employers to participate in Local Employment Partnerships;
  • considerably improve the skills and qualifications of adults; and
  • review benefits, grants and allowances administered by the Welsh Assembly Government and local authorities and promote benefit take-up.

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