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Child poverty

Education and child poverty: A literature review

The study reviews evidence on whether education in childhood and youth improves a person’s chances in adulthood, and what the effects are of adult learning.

Written by:
Stephen Machin and Sandra McNally
Date published:

This literature review explores how education can contribute to ending child poverty.

The study reviews evidence on whether education in childhood and youth improves a person’s chances in adulthood, and what the effects are of adult learning. It reviews evidence on the impact of parental education on children and on employment, and the impact and cost-effectiveness of particular programmes aimed at both adults and children.

The study finds that education clearly has a powerful general role to play, in combination with other measures, in raising the long-term prospects of people with lifetime disadvantages. However, the challenge lies in creating successful, cost effective programmes.


9781859354773.pdf (104.6 KB)
Playground with frozen grass during winter in the UK.

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