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Child poverty

Mental health and child poverty

This study explores the impact on child poverty of the huge over-representation of people with mental health problems among those who are out of work, and those in receipt of sickness and disability benefits

Written by:
Nick Gould
Date published:

Mental illness is an under-recognised but significant contributory factor to child poverty. There is a lack of hard data but it is likely that there are approximately 1.25 million children in England and Wales living with parents or carers who have a mental health problem. This study explores the impact on child poverty of the huge over-representation of people with mental health problems among those who are out of work, and those in receipt of sickness and disability benefits. It identifies what action can be taken, in particular in relation to the benefits system, the financial services sector and welfare to work programmes.


9781859354919.pdf (76.31 KB)
Playground with frozen grass during winter in the UK.

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