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Child poverty

The effects of discrimination on families in the fight to end child poverty

This report focuses on the discrimination experienced by families living in poverty in the UK ('povertyism'), examining the barriers preventing them from enjoying equal access to fundamental economic and social rights

Written by:
Matt Davies
Date published:

Current thinking, in the national and international poverty debate, is that the question of rights, and their absence, is linked to poverty. Povertyism perpetuates a lack of knowledge and understanding about the lives of people experiencing poverty. The resulting policy approach leads to a denial of their basic human rights.

The report:

  • defines and describes the concept of povertyism;
  • explains povertyism as a barrier to people moving out of poverty, looking at use of language, the loss of rights, the role of services in perpetuating povertyism and barriers to accessing services;
  • looks at possible ways of removing povertyism as a barrier, for example by changing attitudes among service providers and policy makers, and ensuring equal access to services.

This is one of seven reports linked to the Roundup 'What will it take to end child poverty in 2020'.

Playground with frozen grass during winter in the UK.

This report is part of the child poverty topic.

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