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Mixed tenure agreements: A review of partnership models

An assessment of how planning and development agreements might best encourage mixed tenure communities.

Written by:
Martin Willey and Peter Scott with Martin Howe, John Bosworth, Steve Hughes and Nigel Campbell
Date published:

This report reviews Section 106 and Joint Venture development agreements for mixed tenure communities to identify best practice and recommend policy and process changes. It has been prepared at a time when the requirements for the delivery of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Sustainable Communities Plan are under greatest scrutiny by both public and private sectors, and when the Government has demonstrated its commitment to mixed tenure communities through a range of measures.

The study reports on discussions with house builders and Registered Social Landlords, and provides a detailed evaluation of a number of different agreements. These illustrate the many hurdles to the effective delivery of mixed tenure communities. Based on this information the authors make a range of detailed policy and practice suggestions, and offer a model framework for a Section 106 Agreement. Proposals to build on this report follow, suggesting where the public and private sectors might be encouraged to act.


1859351743.pdf (590.5 KB)
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