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Partnership working at Derwenthorpe: are there lessons for the industry?

What can be learned from the mixed housing development of Derwenthorpe?

Written by:
David Taylor
Date published:

What can be learned from the mixed housing development of Derwenthorpe?

Those most closely involved in the award-winning scheme – a partnership between the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust and David Wilson Homes – share their thoughts and identify key lessons for other home-builders, including:

  • building on-site, life-sized prototype houses so technical ideas and layouts can be tested;
  • splitting the project into phases to allow residents to give feedback, which can influence the design of future homes;
  • investing in infrastructure and landscaping early so potential house-buyers see the neighbourhood, rather than a building site, which makes sales easier;
  • working with residents and having the courage to change things that have not worked as well as anticipated.

Read more about Derwenthorpe on the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust website.

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