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JRF calls on government to extend ban on evictions

JRF statement calling on the government to extend the pause on evictions.

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Rachel Casey, Policy & Partnerships Officer at the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) said:

"The pause on evictions during the pandemic has held many households steady at a time of profound economic uncertainty. While the country grapples with an unemployment crisis that has yet to peak, it's simply not right to remove this protection now. Without action, we could see a wave of evictions that could push many renters into homelessness.

“Although we welcome other protections brought in for renters, such as re-linking housing benefit to the lowest third of local rents, many renters on low incomes are still unable to meet their housing costs. At a minimum, the government should extend the pause on evictions and make the increase in housing benefit permanent, to prevent more people being pushed into homelessness by high housing costs.

“But to redesign our housing system so that it lifts people out of poverty rather than drags them further down, we also need an ambitious plan for investment in social housing. This would not only significantly increase the supply of homes for families on low incomes, it would also provide an effective boost to our economic recovery."

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