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Race and ethnicity

JRF responds to ONS figures on ethnicity and coronavirus

JRF responds to new data from the ONS showing coronavirus risk for different ethnic groups.

Date published:

Helen Barnard, Acting Director, Joseph Rowntree Foundation said:

“Today’s figures are a stark reminder that although we are all weathering the same storm, we are not all in the same boat.

“People from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to live in deprived areas, employed in low-paid jobs where they cannot work from home. We know that both these factors increase the risk of catching coronavirus.

“Workers from BAME communities are also more likely to live in overcrowded homes, increasing the risk for their families too. We entered the crisis with millions of people locked in poverty, struggling against a rising tide of low pay, insecure jobs and spiralling living costs.

“With the Bank of England now forecasting the deepest recession on record, we must ask ourselves what kind of society we want to live in after the virus passes. It doesn’t have to be like this – as a society that prides itself on justice and compassion we can and must do better.”

Group of volunteers standing in a school garden.

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