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Top down meets bottom up: Neighbourhood Management

Critical to emerging policies on tackling social exclusion is ‘Neighbourhood Management’, with a manager and a management board at neighbourhood level to identify local needs and work with local agencies to ensure more ‘joined up’ service planning and delivery.

Written by:
Marilyn Taylor
Date published:

This report reviews the case for working in this new way and draws on past experience and learning to identify the growth points for the future.

It is based on a review of recent research and a series of interviews with local authorities and other agencies which are involved in developing joined up action at neighbourhood level:

  • Part 1 reviews the key lessons from the past and the challenges that have to be faced.
  • Part 2 describes the different approaches currently being taken and the issues that they raise.
  • Part 3 identifies the implications for the future design and implementation of Neighbourhood Management strategies – for government at all levels, for other agencies and for local communities.


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