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Working in neighbourhoods in Bradford

This report describes progress, gaps and future opportunities in neighbourhood working in Bradford, following the development of devolved decision-making and neighbourhood working during the last 20 years.

Written by:
Liz Richardson
Date published:

Neighbourhood working is a way to deal with diversity between places and take account of local priorities. This report describes progress, gaps and future opportunities in neighbourhood working in Bradford, following the development of devolved decision-making and neighbourhood working during the last 20 years. It examines how current policy on localism and the Big Society presents opportunities and risks for neighbourhood working, and looks at debates about how to create more empowering relationships between citizens and public sector organisations.

The report:

  • assesses the contributions that neighbourhood working has made to more active citizenship and the improvement of public services and neighbourhoods;
  • identifies gaps and tensions in neighbourhood working, and explores broader issues of transformation in relationships between the public sector and citizens;
  • looks at the roles neighbourhood working plays in developing devolution of decisions to neighbourhoods;
  • discusses how localism and the Big Society policies offer opportunities and risks for neighbourhood working.