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Tackling housing market volatility in the UK: a progress report

What progress since JRF's Housing Market Taskforce report identified ways to create a more sustainable housing market? This progress report highlights key priorities for Government.

Written by:
Mark Stephens and Peter Williams
Date published:

Volatility has affected the UK housing market for four decades. The JRF Housing Market Taskforce identified ways to create a more sustainable housing market. This paper presents progress and highlights key priorities for the Government.

Some of the recommendations are:

  • Conduct a revaluation of property for Council Tax, to gradually transform it into a national land and property value tax.
  • Ensure the Financial Policy Committee has the power to introduce mortgage credit controls.
  • Monitor the Financial Services Authority’s new mortgage rules so they do not exclude low-risk borrowers from the housing market.
  • Introduce a more effective safety net for home-owners that shares responsibility fairly between home-owners, lenders and government.
  • Switch housing subsidies away from a reliance on Housing Benefit towards housing supply, as part of a new model for financing new affordable housing.


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