Tackling housing market volatility in the UK: a progress report
What progress since JRF's Housing Market Taskforce report identified ways to create a more sustainable housing market? This progress report highlights key priorities for Government.
Volatility has affected the UK housing market for four decades. The JRF Housing Market Taskforce identified ways to create a more sustainable housing market. This paper presents progress and highlights key priorities for the Government.
Some of the recommendations are:
- Conduct a revaluation of property for Council Tax, to gradually transform it into a national land and property value tax.
- Ensure the Financial Policy Committee has the power to introduce mortgage credit controls.
- Monitor the Financial Services Authority’s new mortgage rules so they do not exclude low-risk borrowers from the housing market.
- Introduce a more effective safety net for home-owners that shares responsibility fairly between home-owners, lenders and government.
- Switch housing subsidies away from a reliance on Housing Benefit towards housing supply, as part of a new model for financing new affordable housing.
This report is part of the housing topic.
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