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Savings, debt and assets

Preparing for later life: working longer and saving more

Preparing better for later life by saving more and working longer is particularly difficult for people in low-paid, low-skilled work. This research looks at how barriers to saving and working longer can be overcome and how policies could support low-income households to plan better for later life.

Written by:
Suzanne Hall and Nigel Keohane
Date published:

It finds that:

  • The cost of living is one of the main barriers cited by participants as a barrier to saving;
  • Most participants accepted they would need to work longer to be able to ‘afford’ to retire; and
  • Views varied greatly according to the life stage of the individual, with younger participants prioritising family expenses such as saving for Christmas.
Table and items being sold in front of a closed shop.

This report is part of the savings, debt and assets topic.

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