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Wealth, funding and investment practice

Next Frontiers conference 2024: stewarding wealth for people and planet

Join us at our Next Frontiers conference 2024, as we think about the role wealth can play in speeding up the transition to more equitable and just futures.

Written by:
Ashanti Kunene and Vicki Purewal
Date published:
Reading time:
3 minutes

We’re excited to open registration for this year’s Next Frontiers conference. We’ve been busy designing a day to bring together people working across the finance ecosystem, wealth holders, philanthropic organisations, financial advisers and technology innovators, people who are asking timely and sometimes uncomfortable questions about what it means to be stewards of wealth in this time of transition, this time between worlds.

Through a series of panels, fireside chats, and conversation circles, we will delve into practical and philosophical questions about wealth. We'll explore the undercurrents of wealth and power, alternative and emerging models of wealth management, and we'll embrace both the blessing and burden of wealth stewardship.

We've set out to curate a day that operates at the level of head (understanding the systems and models that govern wealth), heart (connecting emotionally with the purpose behind wealth creation and management), and hands (taking practical steps towards wealth stewardship in service of people and planet). We invite people who want to explore, debate and shape future models of wealth with others asking similar questions.

At the heart of this year’s conference is an endeavour to peel back the layers of the current system and reveal the hidden wiring that enables wealth and power to be accumulated by a few. It’s a system that often operates in the shadows, its mechanisms and beneficiaries obscured by layers of complexity. We hope to shine a light on some of this, and platform thinkers and practitioners from around the world who are reimagining the possibilities of our finance ecosystems and reshaping the landscape of investment and philanthropic practices.

There are a few other themes that are woven through the day:

First, we open registration for this conference with the Great Wealth Transfer already underway. Never has there been a more important time for critical reflection about the history and future of wealth creation and accumulation, and this conference is an invitation for funders, impact investors, and philanthropic organisations to rethink how wealth could be directed and invested.

Second, while the conference is called 'Next Frontiers', we will explore ancient as well as emerging models of wealth stewardship. Whether it’s through embracing innovative technology or embracing indigenous wisdom, the sessions will uncover pathways that put community and planet over profit and individual gain.

Third, the theme of stewardship is writ large this year: inviting all participants to reflect on what is ours to do, in the roles we occupy across the finance ecosystem, thinking not only of today’s world, but also the world we pass on to our children and grandchildren.

We are so pleased to be hosting this conference again, and our thanks go to the many people involved in curating the programme so far. As we look towards this gathering, the question we are asking is this: how will we use our knowledge, networks, and resources to navigate the next frontiers of wealth? Can we move together towards a future where financial wealth, whilst it still holds its value, serves as a catalyst for transformative, system-shifting change? If these are questions you are also holding, we hope you can join us.

Register for this event

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